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- /*
- ** Small-C Compiler Version 2.0
- **
- ** Portions Copyright 1982 J. E. Hendrix
- **
- ** Converted to 8088/PCDOS by D. R. Hicks
- **
- ** Part 1
- */
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "cc.def"
- /*
- ** miscellaneous storege
- */
- char
- alarm, /* audible alarm on errors? */
- monitor, /* monitor function headers? */
- pause, /* pause for operator on errors? */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- *stage, /* output staging buffer */
- *symtab, /* symbol table */
- *litq, /* literal pool */
- #ifdef HASH
- *macn, /* macro name buffer */
- #endif
- *macq, /* macro string buffer */
- *pline, /* parsing buffer */
- *mline, /* macro buffer */
- #else
- stage[STAGESIZE],
- symtab[SYMTBSZ],
- litq[LITABSZ],
- #ifdef HASH
- mac[MACNSIZE],
- #endif
- macq[MACQSIZE],
- pline[LINESIZE],
- mline[LINESIZE],
- swq[SWTABSZ],
- #endif
- *line, /* points to pline or mline */
- *lptr, /* ptr to either */
- *glbptr, /* points to next entries */
- *locptr, /* ptr to next local symbol */
- *stagenext, /* next addr in stage */
- *stagelast, /* last addr in stage */
- quote[2], /* literal string for '"' */
- *cptr, /* work ptrs to any char buffer */
- *cptr2,
- *cptr3,
- msname[NAMESIZE], /* macro symbol name array */
- ssname[NAMESIZE]; /* static symbol name array */
- int
- #ifdef STGOTO
- nogo, /* >0 disables goto statements */
- noloc, /* >0 disables block locals */
- #endif
- op[16], /* function addresses of binary operators */
- op2[16], /* same for unsigned operators */
- opindex, /* index to matched operator */
- opsize, /* size of operator in bytes */
- swactive, /* true inside a switch */
- swdefault, /* default label #, else 0 */
- *swnext, /* address of next entry */
- *swend, /* address of last table entry */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- *wq, /* while queue */
- #else
- wq[WQTABSZ],
- #endif
- #ifdef CMD_LINE
- argcs, /* static argc */
- *argvs, /* static argv */
- #endif
- *wqptr, /* ptr to next entry */
- litptr, /* ptr to next entry */
- macptr, /* macro buffer index */
- #ifndef HASH
- mack, /* variable k for findmac routine */
- #endif
- pptr, /* ptr to parsing buffer */
- oper, /* address of binary operator function */
- ch, /* current character of line being scanned */
- nch, /* next character of line being scanned */
- declared, /* # of local bytes declared, else -1 when done */
- iflevel, /* if... nest level */
- skiplevel, /* level at which #if... skipping started */
- nxtlab, /* next available label */
- litlab, /* label # assigned to literal pool */
- csp, /* compiler relative stk ptr */
- /*
- * set to zero at start of function
- * (after BP is pushed)
- * decremented by push
- * incremented by pop
- * top of stack is addressed by
- * "[BP]-" outdec(-csp)
- */
- argstk, /* function arg sp */
- argtop,
- ncmp, /* #open compound statements */
- errcnt, /* error count */
- errflag, /* non-zero after 1st error in statement */
- eof, /* set non-zero on final input eof */
- input, /* fd # for input file */
- input2, /* fd # for "include" file */
- output, /* fd # for output file */
- files, /* non-zero if file list specified on command line */
- filearg, /* cur file arg index */
- glbflag, /* non-zero if internal globals */
- ctext, /* non-zero to intermix c-source */
- ccode, /* non-zero while parsing c-code */
- /* zero when passing assembly code */
- dmode, /* non-zero when in DATASEG segment */
- /* zero when in CODESEG segment */
- listfp, /* file pointer to list device */
- lastst, /* last executed statement type */
- *iptr; /* work ptr to any int buffer */
- #ifdef SEPARATE
- /*
- ** external references in part 2
- */
- extern int
- addmac(), addsym(), addwhile(), alpha(), amatch(), blanks(),
- bump(), clearstage(), col(), delwhile(), endst(), errdec(),
- error(), externs(), findglb(), findloc(), gch(), getint(),
- getlabel(), illname(), inbyte(), inline(), junk(),
- kill(), lout(), match(), multidef(), needtoken(),
- nextsym(), nl(), numeric(), outbyte(), outdec(), outstr(),
- postlabel(), preprocess(), printlabel(), putint(),
- readwhile(), setstage(), sout(), streq(), symname(),
- upper();
- /*
- ** external references in part 3
- */
- extern int
- constexpr(), expression(), number(), qstr(),
- test(), stowlit();
- /*
- ** external references in part 4
- */
- extern int
- add(), and(), asl(), asr(), comment2(), endfun(), defstora(),
- div(), eq(), entry(), ge(), genzeros(),
- gt(), header(), jump(), le(), lt(), mod(), modstk(),
- mult(), ne(), or(), point(), ret(), sub(), startfun(), startglob(),
- startlit(), sw(), trailer(), uge(), ugt(), ule(), ult(), xor();
- #endif
- /*
- ** external references in C.LIB
- */
- extern int
- index(), rindex(), strcpy(), strncpy(), strlen();
- #include "cc11.c"
- #include "cc12.c"
- #include "cc13.c"
- #ifndef SEPARATE
- #include "cc21.c"
- #include "cc22.c"
- #include "cc31.c"
- #include "cc32.c"
- #include "cc33.c"
- #include "cc41.c"
- #include "cc42.c"
- #endif